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ordinary worker

  • Demand number:10 人
  • Nature of work:full time
  • Sex:Not limited
  • Education:Not limited
  • Experience:10 years or more
  • Date:2017/10/21

Post duties

1, According to the current planning principles and design specifications, scientific thinking, analysis, planning and current projects and provide a reasonable and effective planning and design programs;
2, the preparation of the planning program for the various stages of the design documents and the corresponding schedule;
3, presided over the pre-planning planning projects, conceptual planning, program design, providing creative planning and design;
4, Responsible for the design quality and planning progress of the planning project, as well as the organization and coordination and technical guidance throughout the project so as to ensure that the project complies with the architectural design plan;
5, the planning plan intended to form a design task book design;
6, to complete other tasks assigned by the company leaders.


Please fill in the following items in detail:

  • Intentional position:

    ordinary worker

  • Name:
  • Sex:
  • ID number:
  • Marital status:
  • Tel:
  • Address:
  • Education:
  • University:
  • Major:
  • Graduation date:
  • Hope for salary:
  • On-the-job status:
  • Work experience: